Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Front de Soldarité

Formation of National Solidarity Front to Overthrow Religious Dictatorship Ruling Iran

Two-day plenary session of National Council of Resistance of Iran ratified

Voting by members of the Iranian Resistance’s parliament-in-exile, who
live in Iran and different countries around the world, came to an end
this morning and the National Council of Resistance of Iran wrapped up
its two-day plenary session devoted to a discussion of the situation in
Iran with the adoption of a plan to form the "National Solidarity Front
to Overthrow Religious Dictatorship Ruling Iran."
Lire la suite…


NCRI President Message for the
Formation of "National Solidarity Front" to Overthrow Religious
Dictatorship Ruling Iran

At a time when our resistance against the clerical regime is
escalating, I would like to express my gratitude for the spontaneous
wave of solidarity demonstrated by our fellow compatriots in which they
reiterated the legitimacy of the resistance waged to overthrow the
religious dictatorship and exposed the scheme by the clerical regime
and its international collaborators to label the People’s Mojahedin
Organization as terrorist.
Lire la suite…